Why is Dexter Beef Better?

Why is Dexter Beef Better?

Have you wondered in the past exactly why is Dexter Beef better?  Better in terms of taste, better to farm, and even better for the environment?

Allow us to explain – as farmers of organic Dexter Beef (along with our olives, olive oil and lamb), we know a thing or two about it!

Organic grass fed beef is a healthier choice, in general.  It contains over 3 times more Omega 3 fatty acids than grain fed beef, and it  is overall lower in fat.  Organic grass fed cattle have a lower carbon foot-print than grain fed or finished conventional beef.  In addition, at Wymah we use rotational grazing, and we also don’t use dogs to boss our cattle around, causing stress.  Instead, the cattle move themselves around or we walk behind them to encourage if needed.  Less stress = more tender beef.

The breed we farm is the smaller Dexter cattle, originating from Ireland.  The cuts of meat yielded are smaller, it’s cheaper to buy, and is celebrated as one of the most delicious beefs you can taste.

dexter beef

Being smaller, Dexters are also less damaging to the soil because of their lower weight.  They perform a special job at Wymah Organic; by rotating them with our Wiltpol sheep, it allows us to reduce the intestinal worm burden for both mobs.  Fun fact: Dexter cattle are generally docile creatures and if they’re around people a lot, they’re easy to halter-train.  Kids enjoy walking them like a dog!

By choosing this meat you are ensuring less chemicals are being used on the planet, the soil is less compressed and as well, you’re getting a good feed!  As Butcher Magazine explains, ‘Dexter beef is the right choice when choosing high-quality, environmentally-friendly meat.’

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